6th Plastics Technology in Medical Products Conference
6th Plastics Technology in Medical Products Conference
Thu, 09/13/2012  to  Fri, 09/14/2012 ,Shanghai
Medical plastics is a pearl in the pagoda in the plastics industry, have a vast market for its high-tech, high value-added, high growth speed, and have attracted much attention. As one of the important basic materials of modern society, application of plastic tentacles in the medical field also extends very widely, it has become a commonly used materials of medical device manufacturing, its application is incredibly. [more]

  • Plastics,Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • 2nd Medical Implants Technology Summit
    2nd Medical Implants Technology Summit
    Thu, 09/13/2012  to  Fri, 09/14/2012 ,Shanghai
    In 2010, China’s medical device market growth rate was 23%, the size of the market amounted to $ 120 billion. In the first quarter of 2011, our total operating income was RMB 1.961 billion, an increase of 40.06%. By 2015, China's entire medical instrument and equipment market is expected to double to $ 53.7 billion. China’s medical device industry composite growth rate will remain at 20% per cent with great development potentials. [more]

  • Medical & Pharmaceutical
  • 10th Green Coatings Summit
    10th Green Coatings Summit
    Wed, 09/05/2012  to  Thu, 09/06/2012 ,Guangzhou
    As people pursue continuous improvement of environmental health, green coatings has become the new demand in the market. Global coating industry is moving towards low pollution and trouble free coatings such as water-based, powder, solvent-free, high solid and UV coatings, which are environment-friendly. Water-based coatings will play a major role in the future since they are already 30% per cent of total world coatings. Global powder coating production is expected to account for 20% by 2015. [more]

  • Coatings & Ink
  • In-plant Logistic Management Summit 2012
    In-plant Logistic Management Summit 2012
    Thu, 08/23/2012  to  Fri, 08/24/2012 ,Shanghai
    For the modern manufacturing enterprises, internal logistics is the core business. A 10% decrease in logistics cost is equivalent to a 50% increase in sales. Establishing and improving in-plant logistics system can shorten the production cycle, reduce operating expenses and thus help manufacturing enterprises achieve competitive advantages in price wars. According to statistics, 45.30% of Chinese factories are facing the pressure of high logistics cost. [more]

  • Others
  • 7th China Paint-Free Technology Conference
    7th China Paint-Free Technology Conference
    Thu, 08/16/2012  to  Fri, 08/17/2012 ,Shanghai
    Since Ringier created "Paint-free Technology Summit” in 2005, it has been dedicated to exploring the latest development of in-mold decoration technology. Now the conference has been successfully held for six years and enjoys a high reputation in the industry. In 2011 the summit set off an upsurge of paint-free technology again, gathered experts from Busch Vacuum Corporation, Amway, Jabil Green Point, Sichuan Changhong, Hitachi, Samsung, Hisense Group, Joyoung , Akzo Nobel, Toray, Haima auto and so on. [more]

  • Coatings & Ink,Manufacturing
  • 7th Plastics Technology Application in Consumer Electronic Products Conference
    7th Plastics Technology Application in Consumer Electronic Products Conference
    Thu, 08/16/2012  to  Fri, 08/17/2012 ,Shanghai
    According to professional statistics,in 2011, global retail sales of consumer electronic products stood at $964 billion, an increase of 10%. Especially the emerging markets such as China are becoming the main forces of consumer electronics market day by day. In the consumer electronic industry, plastic has become the fastest growing application materials. The present average annual growth rate is about 29.5%. At present, the amount of plastic in household appliances, accounts for 40% weight ratio. [more]

  • Plastics
  • 4th Functional Food Technology and Innovation Summit
    4th Functional Food Technology and Innovation Summit
    Thu, 08/09/2012  to  Fri, 08/10/2012 ,Guangzhou
    Global health consumption is rising with social progress and economic development year by year, and China is one of the rapidly emerging markets for functional foods and drinks with enormous potential for astounding growth. In the United States around 600 functional food manufacturers release more than 1,000 species in to the market each year with sales of about 75 billion dollars. China has formed into a second functional food market closely following the United States. [more]

  • Food & Beverage
  • 2nd Green Ink Technology Forum
    2nd Green Ink Technology Forum
    Mon, 08/06/2012  to  Tue, 08/07/2012 ,Guangzhou
    The industry report shows that,the market scale of global environmental (environment-friendly)ink amounted to USD 5.8 billion in 2009, and it is expected to reach USD 7.2 billion by 2014. China’s share of the world ink production is approximately 6%, ranking No.4. The annual average rate of our ink production is increasing by 10% every year, from 2001. The GDP of Printing Industry reached 576 billion in 2010, surged by 12% compared to the same period last year. [more]

  • Coatings & Ink
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