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It's my first time to attend conference, I have a good feeling during this summit. I hope Ringier Coatings Summit will bring the latest development trend and technology  to us.                                                                                          — JiangMen Lingyun Paint Co.,Ltd. Thanks Ringier for bring practical information to attendee.                                                                             — SHANGHAI BLOWER WORKS CO.,LTD. It's a great summit,  I hope Ringier could organize more similar conferences. Also I wish Ringier coatings summit will be better and better to become the guiding conference of the paint industry.                                                                                           — Tianjin JiuRi Chemical Co.,Ltd. adidas

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USD580/ person

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Ringer 's Plastics Technology Application in Consumer Electronic Products Conference can always focus on the mutual links between the electronics industry and plastics industry.

-----Mr. Shia-Chung Chen

Founding Chairman of Society of Advanced Molding Technology (SAMT),

Dean of Engineering College, Chung Yuan Christian University

Industrial decision makers and technicians had attended this conference and give their insights into this redundant fast developing market for plastics materials.

-----Mr. Zheng Wenge

Researcher, Ningbo Institute of Material Technology &Engineering. Chinese Academy of Sciences

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