eve Conference Variant Block

Doing Business with India Forum 2013
Doing Business with India Forum 2013
Thu, 12/05/2013  to  Fri, 12/06/2013 ,Shanghai
Ringier the 5th Doing Business with India forum 2013 will be held in Shanghai on 5-6 December 2013. This Forum aims to offer essential information that will allow more Chinese enterprises to seize opportunities in India: investment policies and key factors for investing in India; the effective ways to start business in India; opportunities and challenges facing potential investors. Many leading companies will share their successful experience in how to invest and source from India. [more]

  • Plastics,Food & Beverage,Personal Care,Medical & Pharmaceutical,Coatings & Ink,Manufacturing,New Materials Technology,Business & Investment,Others
  • 5th Nutricosmetics Innovation Conference
    5th Nutricosmetics Innovation Conference
    Wed, 11/20/2013  to  Thu, 11/21/2013 ,Shanghai
    The term nutricosmetics refers to nutritional supplements which can support the function and the structure of the skin. Nowadays skin care and beauty care are the favourite topics not only for women but also for men. High popularity of nutricosmetics leads to the boom of the industry development. Supreme X Air Max 98 [more]

  • Food & Beverage,Personal Care
  • FMCG Safety & Efficacy Testing Technology Summit 2013
    FMCG Safety & Efficacy Testing Technology Summit 2013
    Wed, 11/20/2013  to  Thu, 11/21/2013 ,Shanghai
    FMCG Safety and Efficacy Technology Summit 2013 will be held in Shanghai on the 20th and 21st of November. Industry leaders and technology experts will gather to discuss new trends and innovations in testing and analyses. From concept to market, advances in testing technology are increasingly driving the industry – join us to learn all the latest developments. Nike [more]

  • Food & Beverage,Personal Care
  • 2nd China Beverage Summit
    2nd China Beverage Summit
    Thu, 09/05/2013  to  Fri, 09/06/2013 ,Shanghai
    2nd China Beverage Summit will be held on 5-6 September 2013 in Shanghai, focus on beverage safety manufacture, beverage industry regulation &market trend, functional beverage, vegetable & fruit beverage and dairy beverage. Kobe AD EP Shoes EM [more]

  • Food & Beverage
  • China Healthy Aging Summit 2013  
    China Healthy Aging Summit 2013  
    Wed, 05/22/2013  to  Thu, 05/23/2013 ,Shanghai
    Slowing down and combating the process of aging are receiving the attention of governments, research institutes, and enterprises in many countries. The focus on aging is gaining prominence in the scientific community. Many researches on the aging mechanism, prevention and intervention methods are showing good results. New anti-aging technologies and products offer social and economic benefits.Air Max 90 [more]

  • Food & Beverage,Medical & Pharmaceutical
  •  2nd Food Science and Nutrition Forum Asia
    2nd Food Science and Nutrition Forum Asia
    Wed, 03/06/2013  to  Thu, 03/07/2013 ,Shanghai
    Despite a lingering global financial crisis and a large number of emerging industries to compete with, China’s food industry value-added is estimated to have increased 13.4% in the first half of 2012. That’s 2.9% higher than the national average. By the end of June, the 32,942 medium and large size food industry enterprises achieved an output value of RMB 4.1467 trillion. That represents an increase of 22.2% and is 9% higher than the national average. [more]

  • Food & Beverage
  • 2012 China Beverage Summit-Technology, Innovation and Safty Conference
    2012 China Beverage Summit-Technology, Innovation and Safty Conference
    Tue, 10/30/2012  to  Wed, 10/31/2012 ,Shanghai
    The total spending of the world in non-alcoholic beverages is approximately $ 207 billion in the first half of 2011 (which includes soft drinks for $ 173 billion and quantity of about 360 billion liters),that is an increase of 6% over the same period of the previous year whereas alcoholic drinks is about $ 162 billion (about 105 billion liters of production) that is with the growth rate of 4%. 2012 global beverage production is estimated to reach 1.3 trillion liter and sales revenues will be reaching $ 910 billion. [more]

  • Food & Beverage
  • Beverage Forum
    Beverage Forum
    Thu, 09/20/2012  to  Fri, 09/21/2012 ,Shanghai

  • Food & Beverage
  • 页面

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    Please contact us:

    Normita "Beng" T. Guerrero

    +639686813465 bengtan@ringiertrade.com