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2019 Global Laser Processing Technology Summit
2019 Global Laser Processing Technology Summit
Wed, 07/17/2019  to  Thu, 07/18/2019 ,Shanghai
With the shift of global manufacturing industry to developing countries, the market share of laser industry in Asia-P [more]

  • ise Home,ise Article,Manufacturing
  • International Automotive Manufacturing Summit 2019
    International Automotive Manufacturing Summit 2019
    Tue, 07/16/2019  to  Wed, 07/17/2019 ,Pune, India
    The Indian automotive industry became the 4th largest market in the world with sales increasing 9.5% year-on-year (excluding two wheelers) and the 7th largest manufacturer of commercial vehicles [more]

  • ise Home,ise Article,Plastics,Manufacturing,New Materials Technology,Business & Investment
  • Dinner
  • Lottery Draw
  • Global Smart Factory Summit 2019
    Global Smart Factory Summit 2019
    Thu, 06/27/2019  to  Fri, 06/28/2019 ,Shanghai
    Results are out! Have you ever wondered how the great factories operate? With outstanding passion and ambition, the trailblazers of the fourth industrial revolution are leading the way to advance industrial progress – and this summit is the chance for you to get up close and personal.*Keynotes from the people who operate the great factories of China*Inspiration for where your own journey might go next *A day to push the envelope of industrial progress – setting new targets previously unheard ofTHE MEETING OF CHAMPIONSTailored to manufacturing professionals with passion and ambition, 2019 marks the Third year for Ringier Events to host the GLOBAL SMART FACTORY SUMMIT . [more]

  • Manufacturing
  • The Mold Technology (Ningbo) Forum 2019
    Thu, 05/30/2019  to  Thu, 05/30/2019 ,Ningbo China
    Mold industry has long been known as the "mother of industry" reputation, the development of modern industry has brought unprecedented opportunities, and the application of mold materials plays a pivotal role in mold manufacturing. Plastic, as one of the important mold materials, has been widely used in home appliances, automobiles, electronics, electrical appliances and communication products. China's plastic mold industry has a bright future with the application needs of high-tech and pillar industry. "The Mold Technology (Ningbo) Forum 2019" will be held in Ningbo on May 30th, which will focus on hot topics of innovative technology and application of plastic mold, to make Suggestions for the development of the plastic mold industry. [more]

  • Manufacturing
  • High-efficiency Machining Conference 2019 - Nanjing
    Wed, 05/22/2019  to  Wed, 05/22/2019 ,Nanjing
    With the rapid development of economic globalization, the transformation and upgrading of China's manufacturing industry has become inevitable. Modern manufacturing industry is developing rapidly in the direction of "high speed, precision, compound, intelligent and environmental protection", in which efficient processing plays an increasingly important role. As the cradle of modern Chinese industry, Nanjing is the sub-center of the Yangtze River Delta economic circle. After more than 50 years of construction and development, the total scale of Nanjing automobile industry has been expanding. From the perspective of comprehensive competitive strength, system development potential and the number of world-class (Ford, Fiat, Rover) automobile dealers settled in Nanjing, Nanjing will probably be expected to become the fourth largest automobile industry base in China (outside Changchun, Shanghai and Beijing). In this context, Ringier will set the second stop of the series of seminars on efficient processing in Nanjing, relying on the strong local industrial foundation and manufacturing resources, focusing on the application of efficient processing technology in the field of automotive manufacturing, providing intelligent solutions and high-performance processing technology for automotive and spare parts manufacturing enterprises. [more]

  • ise Home,ise Article,Manufacturing
  • https://ringierevents.eventbank.cn/event/20581/
    Beijing High Performance Machining Technology Conference 2019
    Sun, 04/14/2019  to  Mon, 04/15/2019 ,Beijing
    ntelligent manufacturing refers to the deep integration of the new generation of information and communication technology and advanced manufacturing technology. It runs through all aspects of manufacturing activities such as design, production, management and service. It has new production methods such as perception, learning, decision-making, execution and adaptation. As one of the main driving forces of China's manufacturing industry, the intelligent manufacturing industry is prosperous and the industry will continue to grow steadily. The position played by China's manufacturing industry will become more and more important.At present, the application rate of industrial robots in China is gradually saturated in the fields of high maturity such as automobile manufacturing and electronic product manufacturing. With the endogenous demand and power of enterprise digitalization, network and intelligent transformation, intelligent manufacturing will gradually penetrate into traditional fields such as metallurgy, petrochemical, textile and engineering machinery, and the development of intelligent manufacturing will continue to heat up.In the context of national policy promotion and technological transformation and upgrading of manufacturing technology, Ringier Industrial Media held the 2019 Efficient Processing Technology Forum (Shanghai Station), focusing on advanced intelligent manufacturing technology and efficient metal processing technology to bring upgrades and changes to traditional manufacturing. The new opportunity for China to make 2025! [more]

  • Manufacturing
  • ASEAN Automotive & Motorcycle Parts Manufacturing Summit 2019
    ASEAN Automotive & Motorcycle Parts Manufacturing Summit 2019
    Tue, 04/02/2019  to  Wed, 04/03/2019 ,Hanoi, Vietnam
    Join over 200 delegates and 20 manufacturing professionals and expert speakers. Improve your production competence using high-efficiency machines, new materials and latest manufacturing techniques. [more]

  • ise Home,ise Article,Plastics,Manufacturing,New Materials Technology,Business & Investment,Others
  • Dinner
  • Site Visit
  • Lottery Draw
  • Plastics & Rubber Processing Technology and Innovative Materials Application Summit & Expo 2019 -- Automobiles, Consumer Electronics, Medical Products,  Packaging
    Plastics & Rubber Processing Technology and Innovative Materials Application Summit & Expo 2019 -- Automobiles, Consumer Electronics, Medical Products,  Packaging
    Wed, 03/13/2019  to  Thu, 03/14/2019 ,Shanghai
    Rubber and plastic are indispensable materials in the fields of electronic appliances, medical treatment, automobiles, packaging and so on. The innovation of their products, technology and processing technology has a profound impact on people's daily life and production. In order to implement "seamless docking" between upstream and downstream enterprises, demand-oriented, perfect the construction of rubber and plastic and innovative material system, and achieve "seamless docking" between upstream and downstream enterprises. The integration of production, learning and research will enhance the overall level of industrial technology and science and technology, deepen the industrial chain, improve the application rate of products, and achieve high-end, technological and industrialization. Ringier will hold the “Plastic & Rubber Processing Technology and Innovative Materials Application Summit & Expo 2019” in Shanghai from March 13 to 14, 2019. This conference will focus on new materials, new processes and new technologies in the rubber and plastic industry. The application of rubber and plastic and innovative materials in automotive, medical, consumer electronics, packaging are discussed in depth. This conference has a main forum and automotive, medical, consumer electronics, packaging parallel sessions. Plastic machinery and equipment, testing, chemical raw materials, additives and auxiliary materials, moulds and accessories, plastic products and films, experts and leaders of terminal enterprises will be invited to discuss and exchange the frontier technology and innovative ideas of the industry. [more]

  • ise Home,ise Article,Food & Beverage,Plastics,Medical & Pharmaceutical,Manufacturing,New Materials Technology
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    Package Plan

    RMB 800 (or US$ 110) per person,including all seminar sessions, comprehensive documentation, 5-star hotel tea breaks etc.

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