eve Conference Variant Block

1)Financing of Upfront Investment
Additional measures for efficiency come at a cost, although they pay back on the long term: in this session you will be introduced ways to finance or support your initial investment:
a.Subsidies and Government Incentives
b.Energy Performance Contracting
c.Emission Trading/ CDM


2)Long-term Benefits of Green Manufacturing
Besides the effects on cost-saving and a greener image, a more efficient manufacturing comes with additional benefits. Learn about how to reap the long term benefits for your daily business:
a.Employee Satisfaction
b.Higher Productivity
c.Marketing and Positioning


3)Know-How for Implementation
Setting up strategies for energy and resource efficiency and implementing them are not an easy task. Most companies have an EHS manager but not specialized in every aspect of green manufacturing. Making use of the existing knowledge and finding synergies between companies is an opportunity. For this, industry parks are the right basis, while companies can support each other within a cluster.
a.Eco-Parks / Circular Economy Standards /Material Flow Management
b.Clustering and Training


4)The Long-Term Challenge: Maintenance
Investing is one thing, maintaining another: planning and design has to be done while keeping in mind the later operation and maintenance costs. How to make sure to plan for the lowest operational costs but highest efficiency?
a.Maintenance Costs Calculation
b.Role of Facility Management in Design
c.Safety and Health

Package Plan

  • Book before Sep. 30, 2011: 2,300 RMB
  • Book after Sep. 30, 2011) 2,600 RMB

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