eve Conference Variant Block

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USD 600/ person

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eve Conference Detail Testimonial

It's my first time to attend conference, I have a good feeling during this summit. I hope Ringier Coatings Summit will bring the latest development trend and technology to us.

— JiangMen Lingyun Paint Co.,Ltd.

Thanks Ringier for bring practical information to attendee.

— Shanghai Blower Works Co.,Ltd.

It's a great summit, I hope Ringier could organize more similar conferences. Also I wish Ringier coatings summit will be better and better to become the guiding conference of the paint industry.

— Shanghai Huili Paint Co., Ltd.

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eve Conference Contact Block

Please contact us:

Conference Manager:Ms. Mandy Shao

86-21-62895533-208 mandyshao@ringiertrade.com